:Indications for use
.Vaccine for the prevention of pasteurelosis and hemofilosis in bovine
:Target species
:Indications for use
Vaccine for the prevention of Hemorrhagic Gastritis, Gas Gangrene, Lambs Dysentery, Sheep Enterotoxaemia, Pulpy Kidney Disease, Necrotizing Infectious Hepatitis, Bacillary Hemoglubinaria, Botulism, Sudden death, Tetanus and Syptomatic Anthrax
:Target species
.Bovine, ovine and caprine
:Indications for use
Vaccine for the prevention against respiratory and ocular diseases produced by the Infectious
Bovine Rhinotracheitis virus type I and V (IBR), Bovine Viral Diarrhea virus types 1 and 2 (DVB),
Bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 (PI3), Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV) and associated
:Target species
:Indications for use
Vaccine for the prevention of Leptospirosis in bovine, ovine, caprine and swine.
:Target species
.Bovine, ovine, caprine and swine
:Indications for use
Vaccine for the prevention of Leptospirosis in bovine, ovine, caprine and swine.
:Target species
.Bovine, ovine, caprine and swine.
:Indications for use
Immunobiological for the prevention of Pulmonary Kidney Disease, Edema, Tetanus, Symptomatic Carbuncle, Pneumonia and Septicemia in sheeps.
:Route of administration and dosage
Ovine: 2 mL. Subcutaneous route. Vaccinate and revaccinate healthy stress-free animals with an interval of 28-30 days, and revaccinate annually with a dose. You can start using it from the first month of the lambs
:Indications for use
Immunobiological for preventive use of pneumonia and diarrhea in cattle and sheep.
:Route of administration and dosage
.Bovine: 3 mL
.Ovine: 2 mL
.Subcutaneous route
Polivac 10/1
:Indications for use
Vaccine for the prevention of Hemorrhagic Gastritis, Gas Gangrene, Lambs Dysentery, Sheep Enterotoxaemia, Pulpy Kidney Disease, Necrotizing Infectious Hepatitis, Bacillary Hemoglobinuria, Sudden Death, Tetanus and Symptomatic Anthrax.
:Target species
Bovine, ovine and caprine
:Indications for use
Vaccine for the prevention of Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis, Bovine Viral Diarrhea,
Leptospirosis, Campylobacteriosis and Haemofilosis in bovine.
:Target species
:Indications for use
Immunobiological for the prevention of Bovine Infectious Rhinotracheitis.
:Route of administration and dosage
:Bovine .3 mL, subcutaneous route
Vaccinate and revaccinate healthy and stress-free animals with an interval of 28-30 days, and then repeat annually. It can be used from three month old. Pregnant females can be vaccinated.
:Indications for use
Vaccine to prevent clinical signs of neonatal diarrhea caused by infection with Rotavirus, Coronavirus, and enteric diseases caused by Escherichia coli.
:Target species